晒的意思是什么 | |
汉 字 | 晒2025-03-05 01:58 |
拼 音 | shài - |
解 释 | [ shài ] 1.太阳把光和热照射到物体上:烈日~得人头昏眼花。 2.在阳光下吸收光和热:~粮食。让孩子们多~太阳。 3.比喻置之不理;慢待:把他给~在那儿了。 晒怎么读 - 晒的意思 - 晒的部首 - 晒的笔顺 - 晒字组词 - 晒的成语 |
释 义 |
组 词 | 晒干 - 晾晒 - 暴晒 - 西晒 - 曝晒 - 晒图 - 晒台 - 晒簟 - 晞晒 - 晒田 - 炙晒 - 灸晒 - 晒翅 - 薄晒 - |
翻 译 | variant of 晒; to dry (clothes, grain etc) in the sun; (of the sun) to shine on; (fig.) to expose and share (one's experiences and thoughts) on the Web (loanword from "share"); (coll.) to give the cold shoulder to; to bask in (the sunshine) |