呢怎么读、呢读什么、呢的拼音 | |
汉 字 | 呢2025-03-05 05:24 |
拼 音 | ne - ní - |
解 释 | [ ne ] 1.用在疑问句(特指问、选择问、正反问)的末尾,表示疑问的语气:这个道理在哪儿~?。你学提琴~,还是学钢琴~?。你们劳动力够不够~?。人~?都到哪儿去了?。他们都有任务了,我~? 2.用在陈述句的末尾,表示确认事实,使对方信服(多含夸张的语气):收获不小~。晚场电影八点才开~。远得很,有两三千里地~。这个药灵得很~,敷上就不疼。 3.用在陈述句的末尾,表示动作或情况正在继续:她在井边打水~。别走了,外面下着雨~。老张,门外有人找你~。 4.用在句中表示停顿(多为对举):如今~,可比往年强多了。喜欢~,就买下;不喜欢~,就别买。“呐” [ ní ] 呢子:毛~。厚~大衣。~绒哔叽。 呢怎么读 - 呢的意思 - 呢的部首 - 呢的笔顺 - 呢字组词 - 呢的成语 |
组 词 | 花呢 - 着呢 - 线呢 - 呢子 - 呢喃 - 呢绒 - 呕呢 - 呢D - 綫呢 - 么呢 - 呢称 - 毛呢 - 呢呢 - 呐呢 - |
翻 译 | particle signaling a pause, to emphasize the preceding words and allow the listener time to take them on board ("ok?", "are you with me?"); particle for inquiring about location ("Where is ...?"); woolen material; (at the end of a declarative sentence) particle indicating continuation of a state or action; particle indicating strong affirmation; particle indicating that a previously asked question is to be applied to the preceding word ("What about ...?", "And ...?") |