
王杰 - This Time I Can歌词是什么?

人气:678 ℃/2023-02-25 08:27:48

  • This Time I can
  • 王杰
  • 梦在无梦的夜里
  • 词:ED.MOK 曲:王杰 编曲:Ricky Ho
  • Don’t you know the time I have tried
  • But I always have my fear
  • Of the days of being lonely
  • Of the days not having you by my side
  • All my dreams were of nothing but you
  • All my breath and kisses too
  • Every star that shined in heaven,
  • Every memories in my mind.It was you.
  • Don’t you know nothing lasts forever
  • Eternitys but the broken promises
  • And I Would hold you tight forever
  • But there were ... Question in your eyes..
  • Our love was only Like a Rose ..
  • blooming in spring .. Then it’s gone
  • Something happened inside of me.
  • And I could never understand.
  • This time I can.
  • This time I can. Let you go..oh..wo..ho..
  • I don't want to be the one to tell you where you shoule be belong
  • So I said you to run...
  • If that is what you want to do
  • I can see things that you don’t see
  • It’s not what you haven’t given me
  • It’s only something that has to do with me
  • This time I can..
  • This time I can..
  • This time I can..let you go.... Forever..
  • I have to go But to where I don’t know
  • Goodbye my dear.
  • Take my broken heart..carry on..
  • My love..
  • You’re really gonne feel the pain..
  • This time I can..
  • This time I can.. This time I can...
  • This time..I can...........
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