

人气:691 ℃/2023-01-19 04:03:01

我昨天正好上了华盛顿大学的网站,并且看了它的录取标准。华盛顿大学的最低录取标准(对外国学生)是这样的:TOEFL 76 分(网考)或雅思6分。但是华盛顿大学的这个录取是附有条件的,它要求被录取并决定去华盛顿大学就读的新生必需额外付费参加一系列的Academic English Program (AEP) 课程,除非这些新生在正式开学(上课)之前能提供TOEFL 92 分(网考)或雅思7分的成绩,或是你的SAT中的Critical Reading 或Writing任一项能达到490分,或是你的ACT成绩达到21分,或是你能在华盛顿大学的screening test 中过关等。



English Language Proficiency Requirement (ELPR)

All new freshmen and transfer students must satisfy an English language proficiency requirement upon enrolling at the University of Washington Seattle campus.

Students who enter the UW with one of the following qualifying tests or programs will have satisfied the requirement:

1、A minimum score on one of several qualifying standardized tests ;

2、Completion of a qualifying associate degree from a Washington community college ;

3、Successful completion of the UW Intensive English Program ;

Qualifying Standardized Test Scores

Minimum Score Test

490 SAT: Critical Reading (SAT CR) score or Writing (SAT W) score

21 ACT: Combined English/Writing (ACT E/W) score

7.0 IELTS (overall score of all sections)

92 TOEFL iBT (Internet version)

(total of reading, writing, listening and speaking)

237 TOEFL CBT (computer version)

580 TOEFL PBT (paper version)

Qualifying Washington Associate Degrees

An approved academic associate degree from a Washington community college is defined as the sending institution's direct transfer agreement associate degree (DTA). Qualifying degrees (often titled as an Associate of Arts or an Associate of Arts and Sciences) are those that are recorded on an official community college transcript with a designation of

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