

人气:939 ℃/2023-01-05 15:52:28

嗯,你说的是summer school 项目吧?就是哈佛耶鲁这些学校都有这个项目对吧?那刚好,我给你一个哈佛的详细流程吧,供你参考下,你有邮箱没 发给你

上课时间:Mondays–Fridays, 9–11 am and 1–3 pm

typical day:(每天的安排)

Morning. Each weekday, before class begins at 9 am, you can enjoy your morning meal with fellow students in Annenberg Hall.

Lunchtime. Your class breaks for lunch from 11 am to 1 pm. You may eat in the dining hall, relax with friends in Harvard Yard, or study in Lamont Library.

Afternoon and evening. Class meets again from 1 to 3 pm. Afternoons are open for studying, exercising, socializing, and exploring. You return to the dining hall for your evening meal.

Weekly activities. once a week, you and other SIEL students attend a lecture by a Harvard professor or visit a local site of academic and cultural importance. Each Friday, you join other students at a plenary lecture and discussion session led by a Harvard professor.


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